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Последние зарегистрированные отели

George Test Tropolino
Отель George Test Tropolino расположен всего в нескольких шагах от центра города Бухарест. Услуги отеля включают закрытые бассейн (работает..
Flamingo Hotel Pelion
Отель Flamingo Hotel Pelion расположен всего в нескольких шагах от центра города Хорефто. Отель Flamingo Hotel Pelion расположен в 3-этажном..
Forest Glade Hotels
Отель Forest Glade Hotels находится в городке Пампорово. Дополнительные услуги отеля включают в себя сауна / турецкая баня, cауна, открытый..

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General info

If you would like more information regarding our company or our website: info@guestus.com

Customer support

If you have questions about our website (finding a hotel, making a booking, cancellations), please check first our FAQ. If you don't find an answer there, please contact us: help@guestus.com

Reservations inquiries

To check the availability of a hotel/place to stay, please use the "Search" feature on our website, which can be found on any page, on the upper left corner.
For any questions regarding existent reservations, please send us an email: reservations@guestus.com Very important is to specify in your email subject what is the reservation ID.
Please note that we don't answer over the phone at any questions regarding availability and reservations.

For hotels

If you are the owner or representative of a hotel or any other accommodation unit, and you would like to join our network, please use this page to read about what we offer. If you are still interested, please complete the online form or contact us at hotel.registration@guestus.com

Marketing and press

For enquiries relating to PR, online and offline marketing opportunities (ie:copies of press releases, high resolution pictures or to discuss featuring Guestus in your publication), please email us at pr@guestus.com with details of your proposal and a short description of your publication/organization.

Bookings on Guestus

For your existing bookings on Guestus, please use our online tools: "My booking" and "My account", for cancellation, resending a confirmation or sending additional spercial requests to the chosen hotel.

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Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 18:00 (GMT) / 03:00 - 13:00 (EST)
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